Monday, October 16, 2006

As this is the beginning of blogging life in a more commited way, I should have taken more effort to compose the prelude... but in interest of making the cut than to wait for the best let me just it run it through...

Other sites to go through to know me better..

I sure missed being on the Smalltalk message board circuit through the last 6 months. Been one whirlwind of activity, changing town.. a different job/ profile altogether.. a project that was a test in various manner and finally personal life too has taken a new turnover.

But would like to be back with a bang on the Smalltalking works.. but I am getting bitten by the bug of trying other platforms/ tech/ languages in more detail than I have thought of before..

Python/ Ruby for RubyOnRails are the promising alternatives I would like to pick through as much in detail as Smalltalk. Perhaps bcos they are as much akin to Smalltalk as any other language/tech can be.. no harm extending the purview of SmalltalkIndia group to these two..Smatterings I know of are not good enough I feel..

Now J2EE... well line of business tells me I better get my teeth sunk into its essentials and as much detail I can justifiably get to..At the very least needed to support evidentially all my rantings on why Smalltalk tech is better than the "Enterprise" stuff that floats

Finally my two projects SimpleWeb.. and VM Plugin for VisualWorks.. would love to revive.. additionally spin offs for MySQL interface et als..

Guess will require 48 hrs to a day.. and about four sets of mind to work with.. on all that has muddled around in my head.. time to put my head to the grinding post.

Welcome again all others to the new order that is now visibly setting in for dynamic languages / tech to rule the technology world in the next 3-5 yrs..
